By now, I'm sure you've heard all about the nonsense going on in Missouri that is the current hot-button debate issue. It's sad that things have gotten to the point that they have, but more importantly, the response of the authorities is terrifying. What the hell, America?
We are quickly moving toward becoming a fascist police state, and it's getting closer every week. There are many people out there with varying opinions on the matter. Some are in support of the police and our government on the way that cops are carrying themselves and how they respond to the dissenters. Others, of course, are the dissenters themselves or those that support them. I've spent a lot of time talking about related topics in this blog, because it's something I feel deeply about. We cannot allow this to happen to ourselves.
Yes, this whole thing started after 9/11, when we allowed the Patriot Act to be signed into law. We sat around, telling ourselves that our liberties being taken away in exchange for security was a good thing, and since we didn't have anything to hide, it wouldn't matter because we had nothing to hide.
But then..... Edward Snowden.
Now we're suddenly finding ourselves facing a tyrannical government trying its best to disarm us, further violating our Constitutional rights, and make it harder and harder for us to gather and protest them, even peacefully, because the responses from them and their hired thugs that we call the police are getting more and more violent.
Since when did resistance to a fascist government become a bad thing? Isn't that kind of the entire reason we exist as a country to begin with?
Look, I'm not here to preach at you, but I am going to ask that any and all who read this take a good, long look at what we're becoming as a society in this country. We have tons of surplus food that gets thrown in the garbage every day because it isn't sold, and yet we have millions of starving people in our country that could really use said food. We have trillions of dollars floating around the country, most of it going to just a few, and yet we have people living in poverty that have no way out. We have a prison system that is already over-crowded and has proven time and again that it doesn't work as far as rehabilitation for the prisoners is concerned. We have problems, folks, and nobody seems to give a goddamn because they're too busy dumping buckets of ice water on their heads.
Further, they're being told that this is all for their own good. As a society, we cannot function this way for much longer. Things are reaching a boiling point, and that's scary to me, because I can't see it ending any other way than another bloody civil war.
I'm not yet calling for revolution, but I'm getting close. I cannot stand to see what we have spent centuries building go down in flames over the course of decades because of the actions of a greedy few.
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