There are things out there which I do not like - cannot stand - and yet, I can't help but to seek them out. One of these things is the comic strip "Mallard Fillmore." It's basically what would happen if you took Rush Limbaugh and turned his life into a newspaper comic strip. It's loud. It's obnoxious. And very frequently, it's stupidly wrong.
Case in point: The comic for Sunday, January 2, 2005, was about predictions for the new year. I think it said something about how the media will complain that the President continues to follow the agenda of only those who voted for him. Mallard Fillmore thinks it's stupid, suggesting that our representative government means that our representatives represent only those who voted for them.
I really don't get that reasoning, to be honest. We have a phrase for that. It's called "Pork Barrel Politics," and it isn't a good thing. No country - indeed, no society - could ever function under leadership which has the limited closed-minded views of a portion of the populace, even if it is the majority. There's a word for that, too. It's called "Fascism" - and guess what? America is fascist. Nobody wants one. It just sort of happens underneath everybody's radar.
Let's take a simple example. There is a group of four people and an elected representative. That representative's job is to be the voice of those four people - all four people. Three of them decide that the fourth guy needs to be shot. Does the representative agree with the majority, or does he stick to some ideological ground and stick up for the rights of all those he represents?
America was not founded on the majority. It was founded on an ideal - an ideal which should be ever-present whenever a decision is made. That ideal is that all men were created equal, and that each voice deserves to be heard. The majority, which is granted strength by solidarity and weakness by descent, is less important in a society driven by that ideal. If one voice is right, it doesn't matter if ten thousand of them are wrong - and it is certainly out of the question to stop that voice from being heard.
We have a government where we elect people to represent us, but that could not be further from the truth. The incumbent always wins because most people don't bother voting or learning about what they are voting for. With a two-party system, when you vote for anti-abortion laws, you are also voting for drilling in protected wild lands in Alaska, a war with Iraq, and tax cuts fr the top 1%. You also get homophobia, big business, and the freedom of any moron of any age to walk into a gun show and walk out of it with a semi-automatic rile. There are people who believe all those things, but chances are, if you're reading this, you don't.
You see, the way these representatives get elected - the way they take power - is by confusing you and tricking you. They say "Look over here!! Ooh! Abortion bad/good!" All the while, their real agenda is to give big oil contracts to companies they have intimate ties with, and seek benefit from. You think Obama gives a crap about homosexuals or abortion? He was the President of the United State! One of, if not the, most powerful men in the world. You think his meetings are about making more unborn fetuses get jiggy? Please. The dude's got more important things to scheme.
We, as a people, are being led around by our nose and we thank them for the opportunity. George W. Bush did not win that election. I don't care what the votes were, but without a paper trail for electronic voting, there is no way to say for certain (which probably benefited him more than he'd like to admit). We are no the ones in charge of electing our representatives any longer. They elect themselves, and the reason they can get away with pork barrel politics is because the system is so corrupt that they have no reason not to do those simple little things that will benefit them greatly.
Our government is corrupt. Worse yet, it's filled with stupid people. The people who aren't stupid (and there's plenty of them) aren't speaking up because it would ruin their career. They live in fear and subjugation - a trademark of fascism. You'll have to excuse me if I don't feel sorry for them, though. If enough of them spoke out, we could end this charade. This country is over 200 years old, now, and they are willing to throw away the next 200 over their job prospects for the next 10.
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