Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Am I Racist, Or Just A Sociopath?

Just had an interesting conversation with a good friend. It involved the stance on illegal immigration. While my stance alone could fill a blog, that's not really what I wanted it to be about.

This is a hot topic issue lately, and it's honestly just not something that I feel strongly enough about to really muster any more than a single fuck to give about. I mean, honestly? I understand the issue of how it affects the economy for many Americans that are losing jobs to it, but that wasn't really a huge thing until we started hitting a recession.

Yeah. I just said it. Before you get mad, really sit down and think about it. It was always just a small issue to bring up during political debates, to garner what was once a niche group. Recession hits, and suddenly it's on the top of everybody's shit list and at the end of the day, it's really just a big a problem as it always has been.

I personally feel we brought it among ourselves. We let the problem get there because we were complacent in our excess. Now that things we once had are suddenly going away because we can no longer afford them, we suddenly want to point the finger at something or someone, because it surely can't be our own fault. We're victims here, after all.

Take a moment to really think about it. If you were in a situation where you country's economy and government have both basically collapsed in on themselves, and there isn't really a lot of work to be had, what would you do? Simple. You'd do the human thing, which is take the path of least resistance.

For the record, the following is a good point brought up by someone else in the conversation, and I feel it needs to be on the record, as I agree with it 100%.

Anyway, you see that just a few hundred to thousand miles north, you can hike it up to a country where you could make far more money than you would there. You're going to do it eventually. I know I would.

That being said, if I recall, white Americans are the biggest illegal immigrant problem in the nation, truth be told, seconded only by African-Americans. We brought them here, after all, to help out our infestation.

Don't believe it? Go ask a true Native American.

Anyway, stepping down from the soap box and moving on to the main portion of this entry, I personally have no problems with Asian illegal immigrants. When they come here, we can't really moan about them taking jobs from Americans. Have you ever tried being anything but an Oriental and try to get work at an Oriental-run business of any sort? It rarely happens, and when it does, it's usually in the salon businesses, and it normally doesn't last very long when it does.

The workers of these places are typically family or close friends of some sort, or friends of friends. No outsiders allowed. I'm sure the same can be said of many kinds of local businesses here in America, as the mom and pop dream shops were run until the invention of major corporations.

In the end, I see the Asian illegals coming into this country, getting a job that I had less than zero chance of getting to begin with, and actually contributing to society in some fashion or another. Even if it's making me fatter than what I am, I support them 100% in their endeavors, and give them a salute.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Second Annual Obligatory Post

Well, I certainly hope you all had a good celebration to herald in a new year full of the same kinds of mistakes and overall bullshit antics that make our lives so incredibly fun.

Keeping with the tradition started last year, this is the annual Obligatory Post, where I join everyone else in making promises that I likely won't be able to keep, but will do my best to aspire towards, anyway.

I'm currently sitting here at a friend's house, bantering back and forth with him about a future project that we have some very real aspirations for. The only problem with this is that our personalities clash a good bit, due to constant miscommunication.

Admittedly, this is mostly my fault.

Anyway, without taking that overly-critical path, I just figured I'd take some time to catch everyone up about things. I've been mentioning to various writing projects all year long - some of which were surprisingly well-received. I want to assure all those interested that those projects haven't been forgotten, only delayed.

I've been on a severe time crunch this month, working myself at my day job half to death to be able to afford a very important ticket, as well as the time off being taken that will follow, starting today. I've not had time to do much of anything but work this job, hence why my posts have been irregular lately, and why they've not really been following the theme I was trying to set down.

Don't worry; the next time that I make another post, I want it to be the follow-up to the basis of my philosophy. I really want to share this idea with you all, and I do have plans on continuing the short story snippet that I posted a few months back. That particular project has just hit a brick wall.

I also decided to open a Twitter account so that it would make it easier for those of you who don't have blogger accounts to follow me if you are interested.

I will probably be silent for the next two weeks, not making another post until probably exactly 14 days from today. If it does happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Well, that's about it. Be safe, and try not to break any promises.
