Thursday, May 05, 2011

Mission Statement

Alright. Enough with the banter. Enough with the politics. Enough with the spirituality. As of this post, Project: Shut Up And Listen has begun.

Over the past few weeks, I have been reclusive and trying to get stories written in a vain attempt to deliver my message and break into the writing world. I have been beating around the bush at what I've been trying to say, and as any proper cynic will tell you "this is wrong."

It's time to stop pulling the punches. It's time to stop babying you. You've seen my more philosophical side, but that's only going to get me so far. The time has come to start getting personal.

Over the course of the next few weeks, anything that I post is going to start getting more and more personal, because that's how my words are going to be the most effective.

In my downtime from the Internet, I have been making efforts to get outside and start interacting with people a little more often. Out in public, I restrain myself from further interaction, because I don't know a damned thing about tact. I have a certain charisma, to be certain, but it's only after you take the time to get past the initial shock of the first hour or so of knowing me. As such, I sit back and just watch people.

People are absolutely fascinating, and yet we take each other for granted. We are so absorbed with ourselves and our self-inflicted ADD (a subject that will be talked about later by a fellow writer on this very blog) that we tend to miss out on making connections with some really awesome people.

These missed connections can result in missing out on some awesome things in your life. Not all of them would be something positive, to be certain, but it's not like Murphy's Law is in effect at any given time. One could use this to start a conversation strand about alternate universes, but I really don't care to talk about that.

What I want to talk about is you, me, and us as a people. I want to talk about our society, what I see that's wrong with it, and what I think can be done to fix it. This is me doing my part.

Whether or not it makes a difference, ultimately, is up to you.


Al Bresch said...

every one is a cog in the big wheel we most work togather to work right and there are no un/needed parts. blog away rob

Charles Perkins said...
